
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Exquisite Thrift Find!

This past weekend my Mom and I went on a thrifting jaunt (early!!) at our local Episcopal Church's annual thrift fair...
The church was built around 1880 by William Vanderbilt. Mr. Vanderbilt commissioned Richard Morris Hunt, famous New York architect of the time, to design the church building and rectory. The style of the church is known as Norwegian Gothic and artisans were brought from Norway for the construction of the building.
The church was completed in 1880 for about $15,000!

Rummaging through a box, I found this blue and white serving platter. Blue and white will always make me weak at the knees. The flowers were so delicate and I knew I could use it with my dining dishes. I asked the woman how much, was told $5.00, and considered myself a happy camper!

That is until...

I turned over the dish to read the back and saw:

Now I was an ecstatic camper! A little fuzzy, but it says "Bernardaud Limoges, France" WOW! The only other piece of Limoges I have is a bowl given as an engagement gift from my parents.
A little research here tells me this stamp mark indicates this serving platter was made between 1900-1929. Bernardaud was established in 1900 by the family of the same name in Limoges, France. On another part of the plate indicates number "48". Mom says that makes it even more valuable to a collector.
Well, that collector is just little old me who is just so very happy to have scored a thrifty find for just five dollars!


Unknown said...

Again...I am wishing we have all these goodies here...beautiful plate and what a great find!!! Happy weekend Tara/hugs.m

Unknown said...

Beautiful! You lucky (smart!) duck...


a beautiful church too by the way..
thanks for showing us.

theUngourmet said...

Amazing old church and, Wow! what a great find. Good for you!

Have a great weekend!

Cottage Contessa said...

Oh Tara, it's gorgeous! Such a great find sweetie! Wishing you a wonderful weekend my dear friend!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Ann said...

That is one great find and for such a bargain price :) Lucky you!!!

Alison Gibbs said...

Tara how wonderful to find such a treasure.

oliver rain said...

Lucky you. Very nice find. I love finding treasures in unexpected places. Hope you've had a lovely weekend!

Tracy said...

BEAUTIFUL church... and what a beautiful find, Tara--lovely! Thanks for taking us along. :o) Happy Summer Days to you & yours ((HUGS))

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Gorgeous platter..exceptional find!
♥, Susan

Donna said...

Wow, lucky you! What a great find!

The church is beautiful.

Enjoy your day, Tara!

Kathleen said...

Great find, Tara! And it is so pretty!
So when did you say summer was coming??
I am getting soggy..raining again now!
That is a beautiful church..

Barbara said...

Tara, What a great find, the plate is beautiful. Glad you got it.

Come visit me and sign up for my giveaway.


Lisa said...

What a lovely location and a spectacular find! That plate is beautiful for sure.

Spot said...

on the theme francaise, love the Boulay music, have you tried/ listened to Esther Lamandier?

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

WOW Tara, that is a beautful dish and such a wonderful bargain! Good job!

Is school over for you? One more day here. HAPPY SUMMER!

Rue said...

Hi Tara :)

That IS a great find! Beautiful church too :)


Martha said...

A great find -- congratulations. Blue and white makes me a little weak in the knees too!

joyh82 said...

Wow you got a deal there.. I love the blue and white piece. Looks like a great time was had too.

Nikella said...

How beautiful! I love finds like that. Take a picture and show us when you use it!

pve design said...

Love your great find and thanks for showing it off and bragging about your "bargain!" I love it!
lucky plate to have you take such good care of it.