He and his roommates were skateboarding in Central Park when he twisted his ankle badly. Insurance card in hand, he managed to get himself into a cab and to an emergency room where he was wrapped and sent off on crutches. He called us in the evening to tell us what transpired. My husband was proud of him for handling the whole situation so maturely. I, on the other hand, wanted to rush into Manhattan, tuck him into bed and make him pasta e fazuli soup (my Italian Mom’s recipe for all that ails you!).

When we arrived Monday evening he was finally off the crutches although the swelling was still evident. We walked a few blocks to a Cuban restaurant which had the most delicious food…rum battered chicken, shrimp and salmon to die for over fresh spinach and deep fried plantains. All so good!
Feeling like I had at least filled his belly, we dropped him off and came home contented—we had done our matronly duty!
Until the next morning when he called me to tell me he had been throwing up all night and did I think he had food poisoning? Apparently—no one ate the salmon but him!
So there’s my baby in Manhattan—crutches, swollen ankle, and food poisoning!
We told him plenty of fluids, email his professors as it might be a few days…but a BIG part of me wants to just wrap him in a blankie and stick him right back in his crib!!

Oooohhhhh I can just imagine how you feel. I am a mother of two boys myself...and well they are my babies no matter how old they get. Prayers for your baby to get well soon. Hang in there!
And thank you so much for stopping in to see me and leaving your sweet comment.
you poor soul...you wanted to help him and I bet you felt worse after knowing he got sick.
hope he is better soon.
Oh Tara! I would be feeling just the same as you if it were my daughter! I hope your son is all better very soon and trouble knocks on someone else's door next time! Keep the blankie handy though.......lol
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Oh your poor son! And poor you! I would be the same way--wanting to go in there and help him or bring him home. Are you on LI? Lucky you are close to him...
Oh my, I know this feeling. We will never stop being mothers no matter how old our "babies" get.
Tara, I feel your pain! having my daughter leave home for college was tough, but absolutely the best thing! She endured and so did I, amazingly enough. But, she is back at home, working hard and saving money so all is well..but I am not looking forward to the day she flys out of the nest again *sigh*
Hi Tara~
Thanks for the warm welcome~~ So kind of you. I am looking forward to having fun in blog land, so I will by to visitas often as possible. Your blog looks great too..I hope your son is feeling better!
xxxooo Ruth
Thanks for stopping by Round the Bend. Photography was something I wanted to do when I retired. I appreciate the nice comment.
Hope your son is feeling better. From one mother to another,here's a hug for you!
Oh Tara! I know what you mean. My youngest "baby" is in his 30's and I still want to rush over to take care of him when something bad happens!
Poor kid, sounds like he just can't win! Even worse to be away from him and unable to make it all better. Hope things turn around for both of you soon.
I knew my blogging buddies would make me feel better--thank you all!
Tara, that is the worst when your son is far away and you can't take care of him. I have a daughter in collage and I know the feeling. You feel so helpless, but he sounds like an independent young man. Blessings, Karen
I know just how you feel, my son jus tturned 30, and he will always be my baby. At least my boys are close enough to make soup for when they are ill, and of course, that is my first instinct- get the soup on the stove!
Oh Tara, the poor kid! While it's wonderful to see those signs of maturity in them, sometimes you just have to "baby" your baby! Hope he's feeling better soon, and sending you a great big hug, from one mother to another!
Oh Tara, How I know that feeling. Both my boys live pretty far away and its so hard when they call to say there has been an accident, or they are sick or some other bad incident and I can't just hop on a plane and go. Some days I get a lump in my throat I miss them so bad. ~ Lynn
Hi Tara! Oh good grief! When it rains it pours doesn't it? I hope he gets better quickly! What a marvelous thing to have a child in the city, and excuse to go! :)
Hugs, Abbie
Hope he is ok--food poisoning can be really bad at times!
Your poor son! I hope he is feeling better by now, I know all about the ankle, I sprained mine badly last May and it's only just starting to come right ~ such a long process!
Have a great week! Gx
awww...hope your guy gets to feeling better. no matter how much our kids grow up we still have that matronly love and care for them.hope he gets better soon.
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