Hi Tara, I just received this in an email and the email said the owner had to take it down. Is it really in your neighborhood and is it still hanging up? I'm kind of gullible sometimes so please don't pull my leg on this one...hee hee! No really I am!
Hi Tara! Sweetie, your neighbour certainly has a sense of humor! I hope you are having a lovely Christmas season Tara, and enjoying some of that beautiful snow! We are absolutely melting under the hot summer sun right now. If you get a chance sweetie, please stop by my blog to enter a give that I'm having. Wishing you a wonderful day my dear friend...... Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
OMG, I have to show this to my dh. THis happened to him one year when my son was helping him. They still laugh about it today. It was o.k. though he didn't get hurt.
I'm a Mom of 3 children (son 21, two daughters 16 and 9), wonderful husband, who's trying to slow down and notice life's details! But somehow life gets ridiculously busy and I long for days on my hammock! :0)
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Favorite Hammocks
Ralph Waldo Emerson
" To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived---this is to have succeeded."
Thank you for to all good blogging friends for all past awards, I have decided to go award free...Please do not replicate any original written content or photos from this blog without written permission. Thank you for understanding!
Oh no!
Wow.It would be a lot of work to create that.
OMG, now this is a traffic stopper for sure! I wonder how many people stop to help? Your neighbors must have a fabulous sense of humor.
Hi Tara,
I just received this in an email and the email said the owner had to take it down. Is it really in your neighborhood and is it still hanging up? I'm kind of gullible sometimes so please don't pull my leg on this one...hee hee! No really I am!
xoxo Cori
Hi Tara! Sweetie, your neighbour certainly has a sense of humor! I hope you are having a lovely Christmas season Tara, and enjoying some of that beautiful snow! We are absolutely melting under the hot summer sun right now. If you get a chance sweetie, please stop by my blog to enter a give that I'm having. Wishing you a wonderful day my dear friend......
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
OMG, I have to show this to my dh. THis happened to him one year when my son was helping him. They still laugh about it today. It was o.k. though he didn't get hurt.
hahhaahaha hohohoho
Hi Tara, i also saw this on twitter!
I've blogged a little again. Hop over to my blog so you can get all caught up. I also have a giveaway.
a.k.a. @reallyjm
Haha...I love that. I just watched National Lampoon's Christmas and that it's exactly.
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