Enjoy your Sunday with your loved ones, after a busy weekend of sports and homework for finals, I'll be spending some time right here on my hammock (please let school end soon!) :0)
It seems like school has been out here forever. I'm getting ready to go out to my little corner of downtown E'vlle and relax (sadly, no hammock) with an "adult beverage." Have a great week.
Your flowers are lovely -- now that I learned how to do a mosaic I should join in on Mondays. Thanks for the book recommnedation! I'm always flooking for a good one!
I'm a Mom of 3 children (son 21, two daughters 16 and 9), wonderful husband, who's trying to slow down and notice life's details! But somehow life gets ridiculously busy and I long for days on my hammock! :0)
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Favorite Hammocks
Ralph Waldo Emerson
" To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived---this is to have succeeded."
Thank you for to all good blogging friends for all past awards, I have decided to go award free...Please do not replicate any original written content or photos from this blog without written permission. Thank you for understanding!
Hi Tara! This is a good day to spend on the hammock, that's for sure!
Enjoy -- and school will end soon. Isn't summer wonderful?
take a deep breath, shut your eyes, and dream on
Hi Tara,
Oh how I'd love to be on the hammock - relaxing and soaking up the smell of the beach! Hope you have a wonderful week.
It seems like school has been out here forever. I'm getting ready to go out to my little corner of downtown E'vlle and relax (sadly, no hammock) with an "adult beverage." Have a great week.
Sounds wonderful! Enjoy your day.
a beautiful bright and happy gathering
Your flowers are lovely -- now that I learned how to do a mosaic I should join in on Mondays.
Thanks for the book recommnedation! I'm always flooking for a good one!
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