Tucker, our Shih Tzu, is very protective of Purdur, our lop rabbit...

When children are playing in the yard, and anyone of them starts to chase the rabbit, Tucker is close to his side. Here he is licking Purdur's fur--cleaning him off! What a pal!
Thoughts of Home and Life
That is very sweet! I have had 3 rabbits in my life and 1 guinea pig. I loved both so much! They had such great little personalities!
That is SOOOO cute Tara! Who says different kinds cant be friends? lol. xo
Hello Tara, aw..you fooled me with the title..but they are way too cute. I miss my bunnies very much, but they have been given away and some at my mom. I guess one lop is ok, I remembered when I had a whole bunch, well..9 to be exact. Drove me nuts. I didnt know they could be pals as we never had dogs and Purdur..what a name..does it mean anything? Have a blessed week ahead...hugs/M
Once had a saint of a dog who loved to herd our daughters rabbit around the yard. When all the playing was done, they would lay down together, bunny resting under dog's chin, between his large paws.
All of your "stories" are most enjoyable.
Too cute! The rest of the world could learn a thing or three from your pets - can't we all just get along? :)
Tara that is so cute! Sweet things that animals do make my day!
You just never know where the best friendships will come from or lead, do you? Thanks for sharing these touching photos, gave me a moment to remember our past bunnies and the joy they gave us.
Hi Tara!
I came back from a week away in Colorado visiting my son, DIL and grand baby! It was so wonderful! He is such a sweet and happy baby.
I like this rabbit/dog friendship ... animals are so intuitive!
Very cute!! It is the unexpected that can bring the most delight...very true. And we can learn a lot from animals! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))
That is so sweet!
Thanks for sharing.
Adorable! And I LOVE the photo of the black lab in last Sunday's hammock pic :-)He reminds me of someone!
oh my heart is melting all over the place!!!! I love your two little friends...makes me miss mine. I always said I would never be without a bunn for they are the cutest of creatures and devoted friends. Can you rock Purdur to sleep in your arms? That's what I miss most.
Such lovely friends bring back lovely memories.
xoxo Cori
so sweet. I know my beagle mix would not be that patient or kind to a bunny. Cute pics!
Thats adorable tara! If we let our pet rabbits out though they would run for the hills!!
however, we (the whole orchard house gang)know what Tucker is really thinking.
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