
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Osprey Sighting

The ospreys are back in their nest on our river...

They look so majestic scouting the river for fish...they have a piercing, loud call. One was so close to me yesterday as he swooped down with his bounty...

While their nest is located on the river across the street, there's a big old dead oak behind our house where they are perching this spring...
I can watch them from my kitchen sink...

After a long New York winter, it has been so wonderful to see them nest building! Welcome back! :0)


Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

They are beautiful. I know exactly what you mean, long winter! We had so much snow this year that there is water everywhere, and still some snow! Anyway, the pheasants and geese are all building nests. It's wonderful to see all the wildlife moving in!

theUngourmet said...

Wow! Now that would make me want to stand and do dishes 1/2 of the day just so I could watch those awesome birds!

MeMeMe said...

HOw beautiful TAra! How nice it is that you were able to capture these with your camera. Thanks for sharing. Just a few minutes ago there was a little cardinal perched on the white blooming pear tree.

Spring is here.
About the 2 books i posted. I started reading Heart STeps and then on days that i really really really need to feel positive, Blessings is awesome.

take care and - are you on facebook? add me? jeannie hizon myron

Anonymous said...

Wow! Did you take those fabulous photos?


Unknown said...

Awesome photos Tara! How cool that you get to see them daily...


black eyed susans kitchen said...

How very cool is that! Your pictures are amazing. I remember when my kids did reports on the Ospreys when they were in middle school....I learned a lot.
♥, Susan

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I love ospreys. They are such neat birds!



Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh Ospreys! Love their goofy pole-top nests; is that a bird-made nest, or one of the man made ones done to lure the ospreys back?
I am old enough to remember when that campaign to bring the ospreys back kicked off -- and everyone was wondering about the nests atop poles along the tidal areas. Well... the birds came back!

There were some nests at the inlet near my folks' house -- we loved watching those huge birds as we passed (slowly!) in the boat. Thanks so much for sharing... great photos!

Gina said...

What beautiful birds! ..and stunning photos!! Must be such a thrill to watch them Gx

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

wow Tara, they are so beautiful, I would be watching them all day, you are very lucky!

Joyce said...

How wonderful to watch them from your kitchen window! Thanks for sharing this with me.

bj said...

Just stopping by to say hi and that I hope all is well in your world...
xo bj

Rue said...

Hi Tara :)

Those birds are AMAZING! How wonderful to be able to see them from your kitchen!!


Donna said...

Oh wow! What a beautiful sight!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What big birds and what an amazing view you have of them! It's funny I posted about an unusual bird in Brooklyn today! It's so true it's nice to see them after a long winter! :-)

Barbara said...

Tara, How I wish I could live on the water again and hear the sounds and see the sights, but I thank you for taking me there.

Unknown said...

Excellent photographic skills Tara :P

Tracy said...

Magnificent...these are sensational photos, Tara! It's like Wild Kingdom seeing these through your lens. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Laura said...

I'm up way too early because I don't feel well and can't sleep, then I come to this post. I feel better already. Thank you for sharing your beautiful birds with us. Stunning photo's.

Laura said...

I'm up way too early because I don't feel well and can't sleep, then I come to this post. I feel better already. Thank you for sharing your beautiful birds with us. Stunning photo's.

Barb McMahon and Alan Mailloux said...

Ohhh what a lovely sign of spring!

Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Tara,
Ilove the phtos! They're so awsome!!!!!!!!
Have a great day,

Spot said...

very deeply jealous of your very superior osprey photos

Stacey said...

What an awesome sight! I love to see the critters out my window.

Sandi McBride said...

Lovely shots here, Tara...just goes to show, Spring is here!!!

Unknown said...

These photographs are incredible. They are such magnificent creatures, aren't they? The view from your window must be mesmerizing!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

These are beautiful!! They must be such an amazing sight up close.

Anonymous said...

These birds are so beautiful! Awesome! :)

Rhondi said...

Hi Tara
What an awesome thing to be able to watch out your kitchen window! Hope everything is well with you.
Hugs, Rhondi