
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Sweet 16 Girl

My gorgeous eldest daughter turned 16 recently...we are officially at the age of the driver's license and driver education classes!

I am amazed by the young woman I live with. She is so very confident, so comfortable in her own skin at such a young age. During the first week of high school this year she came home all excited because she was given Sports Advertising as an elective class. Supportive, I thought it was great and told her so! "And I am the only girl in the class with 24 guys"

"How do you think that happened?", I asked her.

"Well, I do have a name that can be used for a girl or a boy so maybe that's it"

"Oh, yes", I said, "Well, look, if you want me to give the school a call and change you out..."

"No, that's ok, I think I like it!"

You go, girl!


Unknown said...

Congratulations to your daughter Tara. Turning sixteen is such an important time. She is lovely, just like her mother.

Happy Birthday.


Unknown said...

They do grow up so fast dont they Tara, I always wished my 2 girls, 12 and 11 will never grow up. Glad you went home to wipe off the Irish skin :D

Adrienne said...

What a beautiful young lady! Isn't it great to watch our kids grow up and find their way? ~Adrienne~

Unknown said...

Happy B'day to your daughter Tara :) She's an amazing young woman! Hey, you have to change her age in that bit of text you have on your blog about your kids:)

- Sharon

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Happy Birthday to your dd. She sounds wonderful.

Donna said...

Your daughter is lovely. Happy birthday to her!


Barbara Jacksier said...

I was assigned to a boys gym class because my last name is Jacksier and my school assumed I was Jack Sier. At the time, I thought it was terribly unfair that I wasn't allowed to stay!

theUngourmet said...

It sounds like you've done a terrific job in raising her! Happy sweet 16! I hope she doesn't have to take her driving test in a 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis like I did! That thing was as big as a barge!

Cottage Contessa said...

Happy Sweet 16! Tara sweetie, your daughter is gorgeous! Wishing you a lovely day, and your daughter a year full of all her dreams starting to come true!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Happy birthday to your sweet 16 year old! She is confident because of what she sees in her mother, a confident strong woman!!
Good for her staying in that class. I bet it will be a class she always remembers fondly!!

Hugs, Sherry

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy sweet 16 to your beautiful daughter, Tara! She sounds like a young woman who will always make you proud and happy.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter!

kari and kijsa said...

Happy sweet sixteen!! love the all boys class with one girl!!
kari & kijsa

Just A Girl said...

How darling she is. I think you can thank her mother for her confidence...pat your self on the back for a job well done!

Hope life is treating you well, Tara!

xoxo Cori

joyh82 said...

Wow, Happy Bday to her and is she getting her Drivers L. soon? Mine is 17 and very into wanting to drive everywhere.

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

You gave me a giggle, my eldest has turned 17 this year and she has much the same attitude. I think they can take on the world!!

cotedetexas said...

Love this! what a beauty.
my baby just turned 18!!!! sad. she's getting soo grown up. oh well. that's what they do.

thanks so much for your comment on Grey Gardens!! you are so lucky to live by there. I want to visit - I've never been.