
Monday, February 18, 2008

Art Gallery

Laundry rooms can be such boring places! So I decided to decorate mine with original pieces of artwork! Picasso? Monet? No, just artwork by my children!

Let’s face it, I spend quite a bit of time in there and I need something wonderful to look at! Each child is represented with work in frames I bought at Michael’s. The beauty of it is the artwork can be ever-changing as more projects come in to the house!

Big laundry days aren’t as bad when I have these to view:

My son's self portrait when he was in junior high...
A poem my high school daughter wrote about her love of soccer…

My 7 yr. old daughter’s Van Gogh rendition…

My 2 oldest doing the same self portraits...

My husband and I taking a walk by our youngest artist...
And lastly, my high school daughter in rock and roll mode...
Who needs the Louvre or the Metropolitan?


Mary said...

Hi Tara,
I have seen others do this, too. It's such a great idea! Love all your art -- you have very talented kids! :)

Have a wonderful week!

kelly said...

great idea!

Thirkellgirl said...

Wow, it's obvious your kids inherited your artistic gene. Love your laundry room (is that weird? lol).

A Romantic Porch said...

So awesome! I never thought to put the artwork in the laundry room. I love that idea. I do frame it for the upstairs hallway though! They are great artists! xo Rachel

Kathleen Grace said...

Well you don't need the Louvre! Your kids art is fabulous! I have always loved the color and fun that children put into their art and I love that you have it hanging in your home:>) It looks great!

Unknown said...

Very nice Tara! Great idea and what beautiful art they have made...


Betty said...

Tara, Your children are gifted artists! Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway. Good luck!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi Tara,
What a wonderful idea! I love that it is personal and so very colorful.

Cottage Contessa said...

Great art work, I can see why your son is doing well studying art at College (or UNI as we call it here), and the other artists are pretty darn good too! I love the ones with snorkels. lol I agree with you about the laundry needing to be a bright and happy place. I decorated my office (laundry) to make it more appealing too! Have a terrific day sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Anonymous said...

Love what you have done and I am sure it always puts a smile on your face every time you pass by. :) And such talented children too. ~ Lynn

oliver rain said...

What a great idea to hang your children's art projects. Lovely way to brighten up some space. I have a few of my daughter's projects around too. I have to take pictures of them and post when I get a chance. Enjoy your day off!

Jennifer said...

Tara- These are absolutely fabulous! Honestly, who needs an art museum, when you've got these. Can I commission your seven year old to do some paintings for my home? Beautiful colours!

Judy said...

Tara: thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment about our safety. The bad weather has all moved out of here and so now the clean up begins. The massive destruction was on the local news all day today. Our governor took a helicoptor ride which the news showed and I had no idea the damage was so extensive.

I love your laundry room idea! I think I'll get my daughter to check it out and she can put her little 3 1/2 year old twins "art" work on a long back wall she has coming out of her garage and which goes into her laundry room - darling idea!

Hugs - Judy

kari and kijsa said...


You are invited to a SURPRISE BLOGGY BIRTHDAY PARTY for kari this Wednesday, Feb 20.
She is turning 40!!!

I would love for you to stop by the party on Wednesday to surprise (hopefully!) the birthday girl, enjoy a bite of cake, sprinkle a little of your magic birthday dust, and check out the party favor giveaway!


Alison Gibbs said...

Oh what a fun place to be - in your laundry

Mary said...

You've got to admit ... you do have some terrific art going on there. I also have hung some things I really love in my laundry room. Let's face it, we spend far too much time in there.

Unknown said...


Love your picture that you put up! You look lovely!


Country Cottage Chic said...

Thanks for stopping by my glad to have found yours....the artwork is fantastic - I also have kept many of my children's paintings from toddler age onwards & they are lovely to look at too.


Deb said...

Love your Art Gallery wall! What creative children you have :-}

Sandra Evertson said...

your gallery is fantastic!
Sandra Evertson

Renee said...

What a great idea! I hope you don't mind me copying and doing this and hanging some of my children's art. Art times 4= A whole lot of art.

Children just don't understand why you can't hang every piece that they make. I am also a keeper of lovley christmas ornaments. I cherish those let me tell ya.

I like your blog, and your home. Very cozy and welcoming. My decor is what I call old country electic, as in what ever floats my boat so to speak. I am looking for ideas on how to make it more cozy though without too much expense.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Renee :)

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

What a great idea, they look fabulous!
Alicia ~ time worn style

S said...

Hi Tara,

Thankyou so much for coming past my blog. I am so glad I found you! This is such a fantastic idea and I think I might have to do something similar in my makes it so much more happy rather than being a plain old laundry!

Talk soon, Siobhan xo

S said...

Tara, I forgot to say I love your blog and can not wait to see more from you!

Siobhan xo

david mcmahon said...

Great idea. I have an old briefcase that is FULL of artwork done by my children.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Tara, What a great idea! It makes doing laundry so much more fun. Thanks so much for visiting me today. :)
xo Lidy

A Romantic Porch said...

Tara, Thanks for dropping by my porch today. I got my idea for my post today, from this one of yours! I hope you don't mind. I have those pictures on my desk, and I just couln't resist. ALSO, I feel myself being drawn to that dark aqua color, so I've been experimenting with some color arrangements. Have a great day! Love,Rachel

Pam said...

Tara, thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment so I could find you in return! Loved your kids artwork, and your tips for enlarging photos in a post. I've been wanting to know how to do that!! Pam

pve design said...

We artists all have to start somewhere, and as my Father always would say to me, "It's not how you start, it's how you finish!" At least we know the art and the laundry are done, " all in good clean fun! " :)

MeMeMe said...

Hello Tara, what a beautiful art gallery. Your children are great artists :)

Good job momma

Daryl said...

What a wonderful idea and how talented your off spring are! David sent me!

Elle Jay Bee said...

I love the way you have honoures your children's art! Not only have you talented kids, but you are a talented, sweet mum, too!!

It's pretty here...I quite like it!!

Sandi McBride said...

Tara, this is an idea you need to bring up at the next PTA meeting, or to your kids teachers...what a wonderful idea...and there will be more room on the fridge for magnets!!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea to put your children's artwork in frames. It's an act of encouragement for them to create more art. (smile)

I came here by way of David's "Post of the Day". Congrats!

John-Michael said...

At the outset of my son's life (post diagnosed cerebral palsy) I decided that I would do all that I could to make him feel great about whatever accomplishment he achieved. So, every certificate, every little award or recognition, every artful expression, all went to the frame shop for preparation for hanging in our ever-evolving halls of honor. When he returned to the hospital for yet-another surgery, the nurses were amazed to see his room festooned with accumulated certificates from his earlier stays. That visit netted him a certificate signed by every nurse, physician, and attendant on the pediatric floor (they knew that he would be looking at it in perpetuity.) The same for his 1st painting at Sunday School age 3 or 4) The manager of the framing shop said that his workd surpassed her son's efforts as a graduate student at university.

Your lovely work just brought all of that back to me in a tsunami of delightful memories.

I thank you!

Rose said...

I have some of my older son's art framed and I soon hope to frame some of the 2-year-olds efforts. You've inspired me to post it and inspire someone else, mind if I pass it forward?

Flassie's Fil'a said...

I really like your children's art!

I love the art of a child's. It really lifts the spirit.

I have one of my nieces piece of art on our laundry area wall. It's a nice to see it when I open the doors to do the wash and I also have a Helen Steiner Rice poem called, Give Lavishly! Live Abundantly!

Came over from David McMahon's Blog.

Have a Blessed Happy Fun
Healthy Creative Year!!!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Great ideas, Tara! Love this!


A.Bananna said...

I saw you on chewy's blog and wanted to come and check your blog out.

I love that idea! My youngest is an artist....on my walls! she is almost 2 years old. LOL. I think that I will start doing this with the special pictures!!

have a great day!!

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

THOSE ARE ADORABLE, your kids are quite talented. Love the van gogh rendition and the LOVE poem the best!

Jen Ramos
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